Onboarding Process

Congratulations! The Rothwell Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (RCTLE) would like to officially welcome you to our faculty ranks. You are joining a prestigious group of faculty passionate about teaching. ERAU values ongoing support for our faculty, so your RCTLE team is here to help you at every step along the way!

  • Upon being selected as an ERAU-W faculty member you will receive a rank letter from Academic Affairs.
  • You will then be required to complete trainings as identified by Human Resources.
  • You will then receive your official HR Clearance.
  • Once you have your official clearance and faculty appointment you will receive an email from the Rothwell Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (RCTLE). This will direct you to the Welcome to ERAU training where you will complete your college orientation and complete other ERAU-W set-up tasks.
  • Setup your Canvas profile and complete Welcome to ERAU-W Activity.
  • Once this is complete you will wait to be scheduled to teach your first ERAU-W class to complete further training.
  • iTeachER course opens 60 days before your term starts. You have 30 days to complete it.
  • Certificate to teach online is issued upon completion.
  • Teaching other modalities requires additional certifications.
  • All faculty are supported during each term with emails from the RCTLE team 30 days before the term start and during the first week of classes.
  • New faculty are enrolled in the Maiden Flight experience with weekly checkpoints to support them through their first term teaching.
  • The RCTLE team is available for additional support every term.
  • Virtual Faculty Learning Communities
  • Newsletter
  • Self-Paced Workshops
  • Tip Clips
  • Special Sessions
  • Resource Site

For additional support contact RCTLE: rctle@erau.edu